Posts featuring Commentary

Let the Sunshine In

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Let the Sunshine In

The classic portrayal of the vampire is a shape-shifter who drains the life-forces of others to indefinitely maintain his power and youth, while Romney has shifted positions on just about any political topic of the last ten to fifteen years, his personal fortune is built on liquidating other people’s assets, and he looks like he does at age 65.

Job Creationism

Friday, July 13, 2012

Job Creationism

I started this cartoon as a general attack on the term “job creators” and the kinds of people it’s been used to defend, when, about 24 hours later, Romney went and made it more immediately relevant with a condescending speech to the NAACP, which was deservedly booed

The Romney Platform

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Romney Platform

I was recently reading that Mitt Romney’s candidacy for President depends on the continued stagnation and deepening failure of the US and European economies. This is typical of elections with an incumbent, as the election often serves as a referendum on that incumbent’s record…

Checkpoint Clackamas + Website Renovations

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Checkpoint Clackamas

I was very busy this week finally getting a redesign for This is Historic Times online, so I didn’t have time to draw a new cartoon for the site. In the meantime, the above is an illustration I drew for the Portland Mercury a couple of weeks ago. The graphics editor at the paper was responsible for the overall creative concept, although most of the details were left up to me.

Here’s a link to the Mercury’s article on the topic


Saturday, June 2, 2012


I’ve been going too easy on President Obama lately.  His Administration’s policy of bombing “suspected terrorists” in unmanned drone strikes has drawn criticism, recently, for the danger it represents to innocent civilians who might just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time

Mitt Romney: American Psycho

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mitt Romney: American Psycho

That’s not a face that just says, “I’m RICH, biatch!!” That’s a face that says, “I’ll demolish the house in La Jolla before anyone thinks to look for the bodies“…

Political Auction Committees

Friday, May 11, 2012

Political Auction Committees

Several weeks ago, I read an article discussing how much Mitt Romney had to spend per vote to win the Republican nomination, as well as the projected influence of Super PACs over the 2012 Presidential Election. The headline alone had me immediately reflecting on how the Presidency, as well as most significant political power, is more often bought than it is earned

Charity Cases

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Charity Cases

Do you have any idea how hard it is to raise five boys and dressage horses on a family income of only a quarter of a billion dollars? No?? Well then DON’T SCOFF Ann Romney’s choice to be a “stay-at-homes” mom!!

Max ROMney

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Max ROMney

I was watching this popular Youtube video about a week ago, and a segment at the end with a bunch of Mitt Romneys on televisions screens made me realize that the candidate looks a lot like Max Headroom, the “computer-generated celebrity” from the 1980s Coca-Cola used as the pitchman for their disastrous New Coke product line


Friday, March 9, 2012


This cartoon, of course, refers to the latest controversy belched forth by perennial conservative blowhard Rush Limbaugh, who called Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” (and creepily argued that she owed him sex tapes) on his radio program, following her Congressional testimony on the importance of birth control to women’s health…

