Posts tagged "tea party"
Little GOP of Horrors
Saturday, August 29, 2015

In contrast to his reputation as a builder, devouring the entire slate of Republican candidates this election cycle and rendering the Republican brand as radioactive as Chernobyl would be Trump’s greatest, most lasting achievement, having a far longer-term, more meaningful, and positive impact on history and the world than any number of golf courses with ridiculously-oversized American flags or skyscrapers with his name plastered on them in giant letters.
Stomp Out the Vote
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Aware of the inverse relationship between the size and diversity of a group of people, and the likelihood individuals in that group will vote for them–even when given only one other choice–the GOP has apparently reasoned that if they want to continue winning elections without having to make their policies more-inclusive and less-terrible, their best bet is to use the powers they gained during the 2010 election to decrease turnout in the future.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tags: Abby Normal, Chechen, Dave Brat, division, dogs, don't tread on me, Eric Cantor, fear, fire, Frankenstein, freak, Gadsden Flag, Glenn Beck, GOP, hate, Joker, knife, mad dog, monster, monster turning on its creator, Republican Party, sedagive, switchblade, tea baggers, tea party, teeth, The Dark Knight, tricorn hat
The Plan Backfires
Monday, October 21, 2013

The conspiracy by House Republicans to force the President either to make further concessions on the Affordable Care Act, or risk the kind of global economic catastrophe that could result from the US government going into default, seems to have mostly blown up in their big, dumb faces…
Under PRESSure
Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Department of Justice seized the phone records of the Associated Press, allegedly in pursuit of “leaks” of classified information…
Spirit of 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tags: 4th of July, American Revolution, Feudalism, Fourth of July, Independence Day, rascal, rascal scooter, Revolutionary War, Spirit of '76, tea baggers, tea party, tri-corner hat
Trouble Brewing
Friday, July 1, 2011

I thought maybe I should compose something to remind people: Michele Bachmann is nuts…
Snake Oil
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tags: American Revolution, Christian, Christianity, Christians, crazy, Deep South, don't tread on me, Donald Trump, God, GOP, hillbillies, hillbilly, insane, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Palin, rattlesnake, Religion, religious ecstasy, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans, Revolutionary War, Sarah Palin, snake, snake handler, snake handling, snakebite, tea baggers, tea party, Trump, venom
Turn the Other Cheek
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This references President Obama, in the face of the 2010 Midterm Elections, once again calling for those of us who aren’t quite as far right as most fascist dictatorships to “compromise” with the lunatic fringe of the right wing…
Fox (News) Retakes (Hen) House!
Thursday, November 4, 2010

The news that the GOP has retaken control of the House of Representatives is hardly surprising, and it’s not as if the Democrats were doing anything they were put there to do…