Search results for "afghanistan"
Bad Negotiator
Monday, November 8, 2021

Joe Manchin is a pompous, malignant asshole who never, ever intended to negotiate in good-faith over the infrastructure bills, as illustrated by him repeatedly decreasing the maximum amount of money he’s been willing to support each time the cost has been cut to meet his previously-stated demands.
Bomb Appétit
Thursday, January 18, 2018

In a time of unprecedented plenty, as well as an ability to meet the basic needs of every person on Earth, America’s number one material and cultural export remains warfare…
The New Normal
Monday, December 18, 2017

An audience ever-more informed about what happens in the government, despite concerted efforts on both sides of the aisle to keep them ignorant, has appropriately reacted with horror and revulsion, now that the executive in charge is a man-child with no filter…
A-Hole in One
Friday, May 12, 2017

If he’s capable of learning anything, Trump’s already learned that bombing some foreigners is an at least temporarily-effective red herring.
Not Me
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Those little shits know what they did, but think they can avoid responsibility by blaming it on phantoms…
The Passion of the Whistleblower
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Following last week’s conviction of Bradley Manning for leaking video evidence of unrestrained murder of civilians by the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as numerous other classified cables, I wanted to draw something commenting on the bravery of both Manning and Edward Snowden in exposing wrong-doing covered up or even sanctioned by the US Government, in spite of the consequences they surely knew they would suffer…
Red Menace
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Despite the majority of Americans being sick of war after a decade of the Bush Administration’s miserable failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and despite the hundreds of thousands of pointless casualties those two conflicts have incurred, Mitt Romney seems eager to sacrifice even more American troops and foreign civilians to the Blood God.
Trouble Brewing
Friday, July 1, 2011

I thought maybe I should compose something to remind people: Michele Bachmann is nuts…
Fuzzy Aim
Friday, May 6, 2011

I’m not going to mourn the loss of an evil, mass-murdering psychopath, of course, but I do find the bloodlust reflected in many of my countrymens’ jubilant celebrations disappointing and dangerously short-sighted, though not all that surprising…
Learning from Past Mistakes
Friday, April 8, 2011

Tags: Afghanistan, Barack Obama, black sites, Bush, Camp Delta, Camp X-Ray, cheat, cheat sheet, cheater, cheaters, cheating, dunce, dunce cap, enhanced interrogation techniques, Executive Privilege, George W. Bush, Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, Iraq occupation, Iraq War, military tribunals, Obama, President Bush, President Obama, rendition, school, test, Torture, W., war, war on terror