Posts featuring Commentary

The Shotgun Approach

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Shotgun Approach

I came up with this cartoon as a response to the hysteria surrounding the recent bombing attempt made on Northwest Airlines flight 253, bound for Detroit…

If Y’Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It

Monday, January 4, 2010

If Y’Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It

Apparently, Limbaugh doesn’t understand the difference between himself–a millionaire who lives an opulent, oxycodone-fueled lifestyle when he’s not making fun of people with Parkinson’s disease–and America’s 47+ million uninsured…

Capitalist Claus

Friday, December 25, 2009

Capitalist Claus

This cartoon is basically a poor imitation of Tim Kreider’s, which have included Jesus vs. Jeezus, Americans vs. ‘Muricans, and my favorite (as well as everyone else’s, evidently), Science vs. Norse Mythology

Have a Chipper Christmas

Monday, December 21, 2009

Have a Chipper Christmas

The Democrats in Congress and the White House right now were put there to make healthcare reform happen, but instead of meeting their responsibilities, they’ve chosen to gut them, so as to keep from upsetting corporate donors and idiots who want them dead no matter what they do…

Fairey Use

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fairey Use

Shepard Fairey is the so-called “guerilla” artist who first became well-known for his OBEY Giant street posters. Since then, he has constructed a very successful fashion line and reputation as a modern artist… out of copying other peoples’ illustrations and photography…

Hi Diddly Die

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hi Diddly Die

This cartoon comments on the White House’s recent dismissal of Fox News as not being a legitimate news agency. Fox has responded by framing it as an attack by the Executive Branch on the “Fourth Estate” of journalism, and other news outlets have apparently taken the bait…

We Have Met the Enemy, and he is Fox

Monday, October 12, 2009

We Have Met the Enemy, and he is Fox

A lot of people probably won’t recognize the reference to Walt Kelly’s Pogo, possibly the greatest political comic strip of all time–certainly the best illustrated. For those unfamiliar, here’s wikipedia’s article about it

Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthals

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthals

The title for the cartoon is taken from Representative Alan Grayson’s remark comparing the opposition in Congress to “knuckle-dragging neanderthals”…

This Hurts Me More Than It Hurts You

Saturday, September 12, 2009

This Hurts Me More Than It Hurts You

I’d actually prepared a different gag in anticipation of Obama’s speech, and even though it was really good, if I do say so myself, I didn’t think it was appropriate as a response. So instead, I came up with this…

Only the Strong

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Only the Strong

My initial idea referenced the scene from the beginning of the movie where babies that were deemed insufficiently healthy (and thus a potential liability to society) were thrown off a cliff…

