Posts tagged "poor"

Garbage Bailout

Sunday, July 28, 2024

A guy in a MAGA T-shirt complains about the economy while dumping the contents of his wallet into a garbage can held by Donald Trump and labeled "bail fund."

I hope people don’t read this as a celebration or defense of the economy under Joe Biden so much as how it’s intended: as an attack on poor, white trash and demented geezers who complain about that economy while sending all their welfare and Social Security checks to Donald Trump.

Stomp Out the Vote

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Stomp Out the Vote

Aware of the inverse relationship between the size and diversity of a group of people, and the likelihood individuals in that group will vote for them–even when given only one other choice–the GOP has apparently reasoned that if they want to continue winning elections without having to make their policies more-inclusive and less-terrible, their best bet is to use the powers they gained during the 2010 election to decrease turnout in the future.

Corporate Horse

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Corporate Horse

A commoner like your humble author is unable to get regular checkups or preventative medicine, and scores of the lower-class die every year from conditions more easily treatable than Ann Romney’s M.S., while she, meanwhile, gets to write off a prescription horse.

Job Creationism

Friday, July 13, 2012

Job Creationism

I started this cartoon as a general attack on the term “job creators” and the kinds of people it’s been used to defend, when, about 24 hours later, Romney went and made it more immediately relevant with a condescending speech to the NAACP, which was deservedly booed

The Romney Platform

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Romney Platform

I was recently reading that Mitt Romney’s candidacy for President depends on the continued stagnation and deepening failure of the US and European economies. This is typical of elections with an incumbent, as the election often serves as a referendum on that incumbent’s record…

Charity Cases

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Charity Cases

Do you have any idea how hard it is to raise five boys and dressage horses on a family income of only a quarter of a billion dollars? No?? Well then DON’T SCOFF Ann Romney’s choice to be a “stay-at-homes” mom!!

Rescue 9-9-9

Friday, October 28, 2011

Rescue 9-9-9

The title of this cartoon references Herman Cain’s rich-friendly tax “plan,” and Rescue 9-1-1, a popular reality show from the ’80s and ’90s which was about actual emergency response telephone calls, and was hosted by William Shatner…

Don’t Tread on Me

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Don't Tread on Me

It takes at least two for you to have a war, but all we’ve seen lately has been one side savagely flogging the other without much being done in the way of retaliation. If what Obama’s calling for is “class warfare,” then the status quo could be called a “class massacre”…


Saturday, August 6, 2011


Continuing President Bush’s tax cuts for the rich means the government won’t have the funds necessary to maintain infrastructure, help states out with their struggling economies, or continue funding programs that take care of the poor and the sick…

