Posts tagged "Presidential Primary"


Monday, July 4, 2016

On Monday, June 6th, 2016, gangsters lead by notorious crime lord Hillary “Big C.” Rodham Clinton attempted a daring heist of the Democratic nomination for President! The caper, hatched since at least July, 2008, involved numerous collaborators, plants, and patsies in every level of government, perhaps including even the President of the United States himself!

Max ROMney

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Max ROMney

I was watching this popular Youtube video about a week ago, and a segment at the end with a bunch of Mitt Romneys on televisions screens made me realize that the candidate looks a lot like Max Headroom, the “computer-generated celebrity” from the 1980s Coca-Cola used as the pitchman for their disastrous New Coke product line


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


While my own, personal feelings on the execution of Osama Bin Laden weren’t quite as black-and-white as most, it’s inarguable that it was a major political victory for the Obama Administration, from the perspective of the American electorate. This is why I find it ridiculous that practically every candidate in the Republican Primary (with the exception of Ron Paul) apparently insists on sticking with the ol’ Conservative standby, “[Democratic candidate] is weak on defense!”

GOP Bless Us, Everyone

Saturday, December 24, 2011

GOP Bless Us, Everyone

People have been comparing Newt Gingrich to Ebenezer Scrooge ever since he began calling for the repeal of child labor laws some weeks ago. Considering how Gingrich’s campaign came back from the dead following Herman Cain’s implosion, I thought there might be something in a comparison to Jacob Marley, instead…


Saturday, December 3, 2011


Gingrich really owes his sudden popularity mainly to just how inept his competition is…

Death Race 2012

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Death Race 2012

Since the Republican “base” seems to be so pro-death, I figured they may as well go all in and run Death as their next candidate for President…

The Elephant Man

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Elephant Man

It’s Air Force One, not Sail Barge One

Trouble Brewing

Friday, July 1, 2011

Trouble Brewing

I thought maybe I should compose something to remind people: Michele Bachmann is nuts

