Posts tagged "President Obama"
That’s A Paddlin’
Saturday, September 3, 2011

I was planning on drawing something on Global Warming on Thursday, but when I read the news about the President caving to the GOP yet again, I thought it gave this gag some renewed relevance, so I finished inking it and then spent a ridiculous amount of time coloring it…
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Continuing President Bush’s tax cuts for the rich means the government won’t have the funds necessary to maintain infrastructure, help states out with their struggling economies, or continue funding programs that take care of the poor and the sick…
Neo Cons
Saturday, July 16, 2011

This cartoon compares this blatant economic trickery to the “shell game” or cup-and-ball routine, both of which being sleight-of-hand used for centuries to con desperate or unsuspecting dupes out of money by presenting them with what appears to be a simple gambling game which is in fact impossible to win…
Hope Croaks
Saturday, April 30, 2011

This cartoon references a classic piece of Warner Brothers animation, One Froggy Evening, which is widely considered among the greatest animated cartoons of all time…
Learning from Past Mistakes
Friday, April 8, 2011

Tags: Afghanistan, Barack Obama, black sites, Bush, Camp Delta, Camp X-Ray, cheat, cheat sheet, cheater, cheaters, cheating, dunce, dunce cap, enhanced interrogation techniques, Executive Privilege, George W. Bush, Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, Iraq occupation, Iraq War, military tribunals, Obama, President Bush, President Obama, rendition, school, test, Torture, W., war, war on terror
Liberty Leading the People
Saturday, February 12, 2011

I remembered the painting Liberty Leading the People, by French Romantic artist Eugene Delacroix, and thought that it’d adapt well to the modern subject matter, since there seemed to be some parallels between the French revolutions of the 18th/19th centuries, and the protests happening throughout the Middle East today…
Say, This Looks Safe!
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tags: Barack Obama, center, compromise, elephant, garden shears, GOP, left, Obama, President Obama, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans, right, rope, safe, SOTU, State of the Union, target
How the Rich Stole Christmas!
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tags: Barack Obama, Cindy Lou Who, Dr. Seuss, Grinch, Obama, President Obama, rich, tax, tax cut, tax cut comrpomise, wealthy