Posts tagged "Economy"
Neo Cons
Saturday, July 16, 2011

This cartoon compares this blatant economic trickery to the “shell game” or cup-and-ball routine, both of which being sleight-of-hand used for centuries to con desperate or unsuspecting dupes out of money by presenting them with what appears to be a simple gambling game which is in fact impossible to win…
Powder Keg
Monday, July 4, 2011

Tags: 4th of July, debt, debt ceiling, deficit, Economy, explosive, explosives, fireworks, fuse, gunpowder, homeless, Independence Day, jobless, national debt, poor, Uncle Sam
Mitt Zombie
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

By the time the Romney Campaign released an ad where people seem to rise from the grave, not so much in support of Mitt, but at least against Obama, my cartoon was already pencilled and ready to be inked…
To Serve Man
Friday, March 4, 2011

Tags: altar, cheese, chef, chef hat, Economy, heart, knife, middle class, Mr. C.E.O., rich, Sacrifice, sacrificial altar, Scott Walker, stab, tax cut, tax cuts, teacher, teachers, teachers' union, union busting, unions, wealthy, wine, Wisconsin
Dead Weight
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The meaning of the last cartoon seems to have proven troublesome for quite a few people. Hopefully this one is better (though I feel my drawing got a bit sloppy in the last panel there)…
That’s None of Your Business
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tags: Ben Bernanke, Bernanke, Economy, homeless, jobless, newspaper, panhandling, unemployment
Soaking the Rich
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tags: bailout, Barack Obama, boat, cigar, drowning, Economy, middle class, Mr. C.E.O., Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Pelosi, poor, wealthy
Capital B
Friday, July 10, 2009

Once again, I’ve got a cartoon inspired by Glenn Greenwald’s reporting at on the Obama Administration’s troubling disregard for civil liberties, due process, and other things (I felt) he was specifically installed to restore!
Brain Food
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tags: Economy, journalism, lobotomy, newspaper, newspapers, starvation
The Evil Dead
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tags: army of darkness, Ash, Barack Obama, boomstick, Economy, Evil Dead, Obama, Reagan, Reagan zombies, Ronald Reagan, zombie, zombies