Posts featuring Commentary
Don’t Tread on Me
Thursday, September 29, 2011

It takes at least two for you to have a war, but all we’ve seen lately has been one side savagely flogging the other without much being done in the way of retaliation. If what Obama’s calling for is “class warfare,” then the status quo could be called a “class massacre”…
The Hand-Off
Monday, September 19, 2011

I wasn’t sure what to think about this particular situation, but I do know there is already a history of Obama getting blamed for bills incurred by President Bush (such as TARP), and I realize most of the National Debt is the work of decades’ worth of Presidents and Congresses and wasting tons of money on dumb wars…
The Texacutioner
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Those who saw the debate may have noticed that the biggest applause line of the night was Brian Williams’ pointing out the fact that Rick Perry, the current leader for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2012, has executed 234 people during his term as the Governor of Texas–”More than any other governor in modern memory”…
This is Bat Country!
Friday, September 9, 2011

Following the World Trade Center attacks, we’ve seen an explosion in industries that buy and sell fear: private, for-profit militaries like Blackwater and corporate propaganda bullhorns like Fox News have enjoyed terrific windfalls from such camera-friendly human misery, and they’re clearly more than happy to exploit them…
That’s A Paddlin’
Saturday, September 3, 2011

I was planning on drawing something on Global Warming on Thursday, but when I read the news about the President caving to the GOP yet again, I thought it gave this gag some renewed relevance, so I finished inking it and then spent a ridiculous amount of time coloring it…
Saturday, August 27, 2011

The way the blood reads as both blood and paint is also unlike anything I’ve seen anywhere else, except maybe my own stuff from a few months ago…
God-Man: Year Two Thousand Eleven
Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Governor appears to be far more devoted to his religion than W. (except for the positive parts, of course), but I didn’t want to just slam Christianity in general, so after considering a gag that had Perry leaving tons of messages on God’s answering machine, I finally went ahead with a reference to Batman…
Fall Street
Saturday, August 13, 2011

I developed this cartoon following the see-sawing stock market earlier in the week. I wanted to do something with the Depression-era cliche of the ruined investor jumping from a building, but since it seemed corporate stocks were bound to weather the debt-ceiling storm better than the average American, I also wanted to show a character symbolizing average Americans bearing most of the burden…
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Continuing President Bush’s tax cuts for the rich means the government won’t have the funds necessary to maintain infrastructure, help states out with their struggling economies, or continue funding programs that take care of the poor and the sick…
Long Cuts are Wrong
Saturday, July 30, 2011

My initial idea for this cartoon involved a larger parking lot, with one row of spaces taken up by the absurdly long limousine seen above, and the other occupied by a giant tank or ATV representing the “defense” budget…