Posts featuring Cartoons
The Privateer
Saturday, November 3, 2012

During the Republican Primary, Mr. Romney proved that he cares more about money than he does about human lives by arguing that natural disaster relief should be left up to the States, or, ideally, the private sector, completely ignoring what happens when you privatize, say, fire departments…
The Ol’ Mourdock Place
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tags: abortion, candy, Cheney, costumes, Dark Lord of the Withered Heath, Dick Cheney, fairy princess, ghost, GOP, Halloween, haunted house, Klan, Ku Klux Klan, Mitt Romney, morning sickness, Mourdock, Paul Ryan, pirate, pregnancy, rape, Reagan Ghost, Republican, Richard Mourdock, Sarah Palin, shotgun, skull, trick or treat, witch, women, women's issues, women's rights, zipper
Buffalo Willard
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Another element of Romney’s demise, and certainly one of the most memorable individual moments of the debate, came from him once again saying something which sounds vaguely like it came from the journal of a serial killer…
Dirty Words
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tags: 2012 Presidential election, Biden, bucket, bullshit, curse, cursive, debate, election, facts, grin, janitor, Joe Biden, liar, Lies, lying, mop, mopping, pail, Paul Ryan, smirk, truth, Vice-President, Vice-Presidential debate, whistling
Romney/Ryan ‘Rithmetic
Saturday, October 6, 2012

The main topic of this cartoon is the vague budget proposed by the Romney/Ryan campaign, which includes cutting taxes in a manner that disproportionately favors the wealthy, and further ballooning defense spending to even more comically-enormous levels.
Mitt Romney Blows
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mitt evidently doesn’t understand how fire works, which I guess puts him somewhere beyond most cavemen but well behind the average Medieval alchemist in terms of scientific knowledge…
Mr. Self-Destruct
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tags: 2012 Presidential election, Animaniacs, battleground states, explosion, grenade, Mitt Romney, pin, Presidential election, Romney, self-destruction, soldier
Blood Money
Saturday, September 15, 2012

I’ve made several jokes about Romney being a sociopath in the past, and I was already starting to think they weren’t jokes any more after I read this report describing cruel and uncaring treatment of gays and lesbians by the former Governor of Massachusetts…
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tags: 2012 Presidential election, bag of money, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, boxer, boxing, boxing gloves, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, Deval Patrick, dollar sign, Elizabeth Warren, Eva Longoria, George Foreman, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Julian Castro, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, money, Muhammad Ali, Obama, Paul Ryan, Presidential election, Reince Priebus, Romney, Scarlett Johansson, Super PACs
Rational Actor
Friday, August 31, 2012

Aside from the lying, one of the major themes of the Republican National Convention was trying to humanize Mitt Romney to the American public, which worked out like an alchemist attempting to transmute lead into gold. There were several reasons for this, not all of them tied to Romney’s being a soulless, private-equity golem powered by tax fraud, diet Coke, and skinless turkey…