Posts tagged "terrorists"
No Further Questions
Saturday, October 15, 2011

I originally wrote this gag for President Bush. In a way, that’s all that really needs to be said about Obama’s approach to the “War on Terror”–his policies have become so similar to those of the Bush Administration that they’re practically interchangeable…
Seeds of Destruction
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tags: Bin Laden, blood, compost, corpse, flower, flowers, Osama, Osama Bin Laden, plants, smoking, soldier, soldiers, Terrorism, terrorist, terrorists, troops, US troops, violence
Fuzzy Aim
Friday, May 6, 2011

I’m not going to mourn the loss of an evil, mass-murdering psychopath, of course, but I do find the bloodlust reflected in many of my countrymens’ jubilant celebrations disappointing and dangerously short-sighted, though not all that surprising…
Friday, May 21, 2010

The main, overarching theme is a comparison between the GOP’s relationship with the Tea Baggers, and the Reagan Administration’s relationship with the Mujahideen…
American Chopper
Friday, May 14, 2010

This is an idea that’s appeared and re-appeared in my sketchbook in various forms for years. The main thing that’s prevented me from drawing it before now was I had a lot of trouble coming up with a design for Uncle Sam that I felt looked good…
They Cling to Guns and Religion
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tags: Bush torture memos, Dawn Johnsen, GOP, Harold Koh, kidnapping video, Reagan, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans, Ronald Reagan, Senate GOP, terror, Terrorism, terrorists
Grave Danger
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tags: 9/11, bones, grave robbing, props, RNC 2008, terror, Terrorism, terrorists