Posts tagged "Osama Bin Laden"
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

While my own, personal feelings on the execution of Osama Bin Laden weren’t quite as black-and-white as most, it’s inarguable that it was a major political victory for the Obama Administration, from the perspective of the American electorate. This is why I find it ridiculous that practically every candidate in the Republican Primary (with the exception of Ron Paul) apparently insists on sticking with the ol’ Conservative standby, “[Democratic candidate] is weak on defense!”
Seeds of Destruction
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tags: Bin Laden, blood, compost, corpse, flower, flowers, Osama, Osama Bin Laden, plants, smoking, soldier, soldiers, Terrorism, terrorist, terrorists, troops, US troops, violence
Fuzzy Aim
Friday, May 6, 2011

I’m not going to mourn the loss of an evil, mass-murdering psychopath, of course, but I do find the bloodlust reflected in many of my countrymens’ jubilant celebrations disappointing and dangerously short-sighted, though not all that surprising…
Friday, May 21, 2010

The main, overarching theme is a comparison between the GOP’s relationship with the Tea Baggers, and the Reagan Administration’s relationship with the Mujahideen…
Palin Around with Terrorists
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tags: al Qaeda, Bin Laden, crib notes, GOP, hunting rifle, note, notes, Osama, Osama Bin Laden, Palin, reload, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans, rifle, Sarah Palin, taking notes, tea baggers, tea party, television, terror, Terrorism, terrorist, terrorist video, TV, violence