Posts tagged "Republican Party"

The Texacutioner

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Texacutioner

Those who saw the debate may have noticed that the biggest applause line of the night was Brian Williams’ pointing out the fact that Rick Perry, the current leader for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2012, has executed 234 people during his term as the Governor of Texas–”More than any other governor in modern memory”…

That’s A Paddlin’

Saturday, September 3, 2011

That's A Paddlin'

I was planning on drawing something on Global Warming on Thursday, but when I read the news about the President caving to the GOP yet again, I thought it gave this gag some renewed relevance, so I finished inking it and then spent a ridiculous amount of time coloring it…

Trump Card

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Trump Card

As I mentioned in the previous update, I was trying to come up with something on Donald Trump, who, laughably, is among the top-polling possible candidates for President as rated by Republicans

Ronald Reagun

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ronald Reagun

I wanted to draw something that’d tie the current Universal Healthcare debate, as it applies to mental health, to the recent shooting in Tucson, which I addressed by itself in the previous cartoon

Turn the Other Cheek

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Turn the Other Cheek

This references President Obama, in the face of the 2010 Midterm Elections, once again calling for those of us who aren’t quite as far right as most fascist dictatorships to “compromise” with the lunatic fringe of the right wing…

