Fox News is an addictive, mind-altering substance, used by its most dedicated viewers to escape reality to a paranoid, fantasy world… Their approach to the news is gonzo journalism’s perverted, evil twin. Instead of using the trappings of fiction to report the truth, Fox uses the trappings of truth to report fiction.
Comparing the present state of Marriages vs. Civil Unions to the “separate but equal” policies of Jim Crow and Racial Segregation is far from a new idea… I was searching for a novel way of addressing the concept when I was reminded of Norman Rockwell’s painting The Problem We All Live With, which depicts Ruby Bridges being escorted by U.S. Marshals, as the first black student at a previously all-white school.
The idea for this cartoon dates back to Santorum’s victory in the Iowa caucus, early last month. I thought it was funny enough at the time, but shelved it because I wasn’t sure Santorum’d manage to stick around for long afterwards. Fortunes can change rather quickly in the primary process, and I’ve had more thanone cartoon’s relevance weakened, this cycle, by starting it while a candidate remained in the race, only to have him or her drop out hours before I finished…