Posts featuring Commentary

Under PRESSure

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Under PRESSure

The Department of Justice seized the phone records of the Associated Press, allegedly in pursuit of “leaks” of classified information…

Spot the Difference

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Spot the Difference

Despite the recent rash of mass-shootings, and overwhelming public support for gun control, Congress instead decided it was more important to once again prove their loyalty to the NRA, defeating every potential protection for gun victims while still passing protections for gun owners!

Something Old, Something New

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Something Old, Something New

Comparing the present state of Marriages vs. Civil Unions to the “separate but equal” policies of Jim Crow and Racial Segregation is far from a new idea… I was searching for a novel way of addressing the concept when I was reminded of Norman Rockwell’s painting The Problem We All Live With, which depicts Ruby Bridges being escorted by U.S. Marshals, as the first black student at a previously all-white school.

Security Blanket

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Security Blanket

Fear and irrationality were the themes on my mind, going into this cartoon. That got me thinking about “security blankets,” of which the one belonging to Linus in Peanuts is surely the most well-known example…

Big Gulp

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Big Gulp

The two highest-profile events in American politics this week were the President’s State of the Union address, followed by the State of Marco Rubio’s Throat address, which was apparently “Dry. So very, very dry…”


Saturday, January 19, 2013


A report last week by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, coupled with the freakish weather of 2012, made it all the more abundantly clear that Global Warming is in fact a thing that is happening, whether we choose to stick our heads in the sand or not.


Friday, December 21, 2012


To LaPierre and the N.R.A., literal violence is less of a problem than fictional descriptions of violence; and devices whose only purpose is to kill, maim, and destroy are less of a problem than depictions of their use, especially made-up ones, with those that critically analyze their consequences, I assume, being the worst.


Friday, November 30, 2012


Democracy in Egypt has seemingly been just on the horizon at many points over the last 50 or 60 years, but promised reforms have usually turned out, ultimately, to be illusory.

Barack Obama by a Nose

Friday, November 9, 2012

Barack Obama by a Nose!

Romney and Ryan ran on a platform of deception, distortion, and reality-denial that threatened to turn George Orwell’s body into a nuclear centrifuge, so success on their part could very well have meant taking the already persistently-vegetative truth off life-support, as far as our national political discourse was concerned!

The Privateer

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Privateer

During the Republican Primary, Mr. Romney proved that he cares more about money than he does about human lives by arguing that natural disaster relief should be left up to the States, or, ideally, the private sector, completely ignoring what happens when you privatize, say, fire departments

