
Scott Walker Blows

Friday, February 25, 2011

Scott Walker Blows

This cartoon addresses the protests in Wisconsin against Governor Scott Walker, and his attempts to use budget difficulties as a jumping-off point to kill off public employees’ unions in the state…

Pyramid Scam

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pyramid Scam

This piece addresses the White House’s recently released Federal budget proposal, and how the squeeze is being put on programs that benefit the middle class and the poor in order to satisfy the demands of the defense budget, and the tax cut “compromise” made between the President and the GOP to continue giving tax breaks to the wealthy…

Liberty Leading the People

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Liberty Leading the People

I remembered the painting Liberty Leading the People, by French Romantic artist Eugene Delacroix, and thought that it’d adapt well to the modern subject matter, since there seemed to be some parallels between the French revolutions of the 18th/19th centuries, and the protests happening throughout the Middle East today…


Saturday, February 5, 2011


Obviously, there’s a lot going on in the news right now that’s worthy of commentary. I had a few ideas following responses to the State of the Union, but haven’t gone ahead with them both because I’m dealing with an issue of uncertainty concerning my housing, and because I feel the news coming out of Egypt at the moment is more important…

Ronald Reagun

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ronald Reagun

I wanted to draw something that’d tie the current Universal Healthcare debate, as it applies to mental health, to the recent shooting in Tucson, which I addressed by itself in the previous cartoon


Saturday, January 1, 2011


This cartoon was inspired by comments recently made by Israel’s Deputy Defense Minister, Matan Vilna, and references the song “Dentist!” from Little Shop of Horrors…

