Snake Oil
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tags: American Revolution, Christian, Christianity, Christians, crazy, Deep South, don't tread on me, Donald Trump, God, GOP, hillbillies, hillbilly, insane, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Palin, rattlesnake, Religion, religious ecstasy, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans, Revolutionary War, Sarah Palin, snake, snake handler, snake handling, snakebite, tea baggers, tea party, Trump, venom
Buried in Debt
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Tags: budget, burial, cemetery, Children, debt, dig, digging, elderly, Federal budget, GOP, grave, headstone, Medicade, Medicare, Planned Parenthood, poor, pregnant, Reagan zombies, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans, tombstone, women, zombie, zombies
Doggone It
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
This is a state topic cartoon concerning the University of Washington, which recently announced budget cuts would result in a decrease in admissions for in-state students, though they will be increasing admissions for out-of-state students…
Learning from Past Mistakes
Friday, April 8, 2011
Tags: Afghanistan, Barack Obama, black sites, Bush, Camp Delta, Camp X-Ray, cheat, cheat sheet, cheater, cheaters, cheating, dunce, dunce cap, enhanced interrogation techniques, Executive Privilege, George W. Bush, Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, Iraq occupation, Iraq War, military tribunals, Obama, President Bush, President Obama, rendition, school, test, Torture, W., war, war on terror
Sam’s Club
Sunday, April 3, 2011
I do feel we have a legitimate humanitarian mission in Libya, but it’s hard to trust our government to treat it as anything other than yet another opportunity to put down an anti-US tinpot and distribute his country’s resources to extra-national corporations, instead of the people who live there…
One-Armed Bandits
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I was examining some gas pumps at a Costco, and it struck me that they looked sort of like slot machines. I thought the visual would be clever, and the metaphor would be an appropriate and funny way of describing the consumer’s relationship with oil speculators…
Fruit of Knowledge
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I wanted to do something commenting on the dual nature of nuclear technology, with both its productive and destructive potentials, and thought the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge in the story of Adam and Eve might make a good symbol for this…
There Will Be Blood
Thursday, March 17, 2011
This cartoon is mostly a response to people lamenting the recent increases in gas prices ostensibly caused by democratic protests against various Middle Eastern dictators, like Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi…
The Invisible Hand
Friday, March 11, 2011
Free-market types like to argue that taxes and regulations discourage businesses from setting up shop domestically, and that if we don’t loosen things up, then they’ll just go someplace that doesn’t have such encumbrances…
To Serve Man
Friday, March 4, 2011
Tags: altar, cheese, chef, chef hat, Economy, heart, knife, middle class, Mr. C.E.O., rich, Sacrifice, sacrificial altar, Scott Walker, stab, tax cut, tax cuts, teacher, teachers, teachers' union, union busting, unions, wealthy, wine, Wisconsin