Posts tagged "Statue of Liberty"

Undermining Liberty

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Undermining Liberty

The idea of a database containing who-knows-how-much personal information communicated by who-knows-how-many people, with no individual or public oversight of its contents, is awe-inspiring, and terrifyingly Orwellian, whether it’s being kept in the name of “fighting terrorism” or “the free market.”

Political Auction Committees

Friday, May 11, 2012

Political Auction Committees

Several weeks ago, I read an article discussing how much Mitt Romney had to spend per vote to win the Republican nomination, as well as the projected influence of Super PACs over the 2012 Presidential Election. The headline alone had me immediately reflecting on how the Presidency, as well as most significant political power, is more often bought than it is earned

Police States of America

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Police States of America

This cartoon refers to the sudden and brutal crackdowns on Occupy Wall Street demonstrators, which began in the dead of night last week in cities across the nation, and I’ve read were coordinated by the Department of Homeland Security…

The Shotgun Approach

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Shotgun Approach

I came up with this cartoon as a response to the hysteria surrounding the recent bombing attempt made on Northwest Airlines flight 253, bound for Detroit…

