Posts tagged "Republicans"

How Dry I Am

Monday, October 29, 2018

How Dry I Am

A proven perjurer, violent drunk, and probable rapist now sits on the Supreme Court as its newest member.

The Art of the Deal

Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Art of the Deal

While Republicans are at this point ridiculously open about their disrespect and even hatred for minorities, immigrants, women, senior citizens, and the poor, Democratic representatives and lawmakers often exhibit the same contempt for each of these demographics in their actions, regardless of their words.

The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Practically every single one of Trump’s cabinet nominees seems to have been selected according to how ill-suited he or she is for the given job…


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Republicans (or people for whom the Republican party isn’t right wing enough) are usually the ones shouting loudest about “States’ Rights,” and are most likely to claim Lincoln as a rhetorical symbol while outright rejecting or fighting against everything he stood for.

Stomp Out the Vote

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Stomp Out the Vote

Aware of the inverse relationship between the size and diversity of a group of people, and the likelihood individuals in that group will vote for them–even when given only one other choice–the GOP has apparently reasoned that if they want to continue winning elections without having to make their policies more-inclusive and less-terrible, their best bet is to use the powers they gained during the 2010 election to decrease turnout in the future.

Charity Cases

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Charity Cases

Do you have any idea how hard it is to raise five boys and dressage horses on a family income of only a quarter of a billion dollars? No?? Well then DON’T SCOFF Ann Romney’s choice to be a “stay-at-homes” mom!!

