Posts tagged "misogyny"
He Chose… Poorly
Saturday, December 21, 2024

Ladies, you might wanna start packing, and make sure to include a visit to the firing range in all your girls’ nights out from now on.
Bar Association
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Speaking of laziness and evil, we have two of the concurring “justices,” Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh; one known almost as much for sleeping through oral arguments as he is for sexual harassment, and the other a drunken liar credibly accused of either indecent exposure, sexual assault or rape by no fewer than three women…
Don’t Drive Angry
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Of course, this cartoon’s primary argument is that meeting fascism halfway still enables fascism, and ultimately leads to the same disaster going full fascist would…
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

It came as little surprise to me when the majority of the current Supreme Court once again demonstrated their commitment to PROFITS OVER PEOPLE by ruling that “closely-held,” for-profit corporations and private companies cannot be required by Federal laws to pay for their female employees’ birth control and contraceptives, if the owners of the corporations or companies in question can cite objections based on “deeply-held religious beliefs.”
Beavis & Butt-head Do Susan Rice
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tags: Beavis & Butt-head, Benghazi, burning ants, fire, investigation, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, magnifying glass, misogyny, stupidity, Susan Rice, War on Women
Buffalo Willard
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Another element of Romney’s demise, and certainly one of the most memorable individual moments of the debate, came from him once again saying something which sounds vaguely like it came from the journal of a serial killer…
Friday, March 9, 2012

This cartoon, of course, refers to the latest controversy belched forth by perennial conservative blowhard Rush Limbaugh, who called Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” (and creepily argued that she owed him sex tapes) on his radio program, following her Congressional testimony on the importance of birth control to women’s health…