Posts tagged "medicine"

Brazen Bull

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Amazing Healthcare

Obama’s signature legislative achievement, the Affordable Care Act, had been compromised to the point that it couldn’t even be called a half-measure, and any gains made by it were encased in a byzantine, bureaucratic maze reminiscent of the movie Brazil

The Emperors’ New Clothes

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Emperors' New Clothes

Hypocrisy is the main theme of both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s odious campaigns for President…


Friday, March 9, 2012


This cartoon, of course, refers to the latest controversy belched forth by perennial conservative blowhard Rush Limbaugh, who called Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” (and creepily argued that she owed him sex tapes) on his radio program, following her Congressional testimony on the importance of birth control to women’s health…

