Posts tagged "John Boehner"
Friday, July 24, 2015

When the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action regarding Iran’s nuclear program was announced last Tuesday, the reactions by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Republican Party were swift, predictable, and overwhelmingly negative…
The Season of Giving
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Tags: banks, bell ringer, cigar, Congress, Cromnibus, Dodd-Frank, John Boehner, lobbying, Mitch McConnell, Mr. C.E.O., Salvation Army, Santa, Wall Street
The Plan Backfires
Monday, October 21, 2013

The conspiracy by House Republicans to force the President either to make further concessions on the Affordable Care Act, or risk the kind of global economic catastrophe that could result from the US government going into default, seems to have mostly blown up in their big, dumb faces…
I (Screw) New York
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Tags: Boehner, cigarettes, Congress, disaster aid, disaster relief, fiscal cliff, House of Representatives, Hurricane Sandy, I Love New York, John Boehner, Johnny Fiveaces, least productive Congress in decades, New York, orange, smoking, Speaker of the House, t-shirt
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Continuing President Bush’s tax cuts for the rich means the government won’t have the funds necessary to maintain infrastructure, help states out with their struggling economies, or continue funding programs that take care of the poor and the sick…
Neo Cons
Saturday, July 16, 2011

This cartoon compares this blatant economic trickery to the “shell game” or cup-and-ball routine, both of which being sleight-of-hand used for centuries to con desperate or unsuspecting dupes out of money by presenting them with what appears to be a simple gambling game which is in fact impossible to win…
Pyramid Scam
Saturday, February 19, 2011

This piece addresses the White House’s recently released Federal budget proposal, and how the squeeze is being put on programs that benefit the middle class and the poor in order to satisfy the demands of the defense budget, and the tax cut “compromise” made between the President and the GOP to continue giving tax breaks to the wealthy…