Posts tagged "blood"
Thursday, April 30, 2020

I said in 2016, “Damn, the Democratic Party really nominated the ONE PERSON who could possibly lose an open election to a dim-witted, flatulent psychopath like Donald Trump, huh??”
But, I have to hand it to them: they proved me wrong by finding another!
Primary Care
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Sanders has made Medicare For All his signature policy this cycle, perhaps even eclipsing the broader remonstrations of wealth inequality that have formed the spine of his entire political career, and attacked the topic with his characteristic dogged relentlessness…
Security Blanket
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fear and irrationality were the themes on my mind, going into this cartoon. That got me thinking about “security blankets,” of which the one belonging to Linus in Peanuts is surely the most well-known example…
Blood Money
Saturday, September 15, 2012

I’ve made several jokes about Romney being a sociopath in the past, and I was already starting to think they weren’t jokes any more after I read this report describing cruel and uncaring treatment of gays and lesbians by the former Governor of Massachusetts…
Republicans Suck
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Tags: blood, bloodsucker, elderly, entitlement cuts, entitlements, I.V., Medicaid, Medicare, Mitt Romney, old people, Paul Ryan, Romney, senior citizens, seniors, Social Security, vampire capitalism
Hip to be Square
Monday, January 30, 2012

Those who follow my Twitter feed may have noticed me making a comparison between Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Patrick Bateman a few weeks ago. I got the idea after seeing this infamous photograph of Romney and his cohorts at Bain Capital…
This is Bat Country!
Friday, September 9, 2011

Following the World Trade Center attacks, we’ve seen an explosion in industries that buy and sell fear: private, for-profit militaries like Blackwater and corporate propaganda bullhorns like Fox News have enjoyed terrific windfalls from such camera-friendly human misery, and they’re clearly more than happy to exploit them…
Saturday, August 27, 2011

The way the blood reads as both blood and paint is also unlike anything I’ve seen anywhere else, except maybe my own stuff from a few months ago…
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Continuing President Bush’s tax cuts for the rich means the government won’t have the funds necessary to maintain infrastructure, help states out with their struggling economies, or continue funding programs that take care of the poor and the sick…
War Ink
Friday, May 20, 2011

There’s a lot of finger-pointing going on in Congress and around the country as to the blame for the budget mess. I feel the recent explosion in the deficit has a lot to do with cutting taxes, especially on corporations, while waging an incredibly wasteful, multi-front war for the purpose of funneling money to war profiteers defense contractors…