Posts featuring Commentary
Privacy Stalls
Saturday, January 25, 2014

The very people crying wolf over Edward Snowden’s actions appear to be wolves themselves…
Fear and Loathing on Fox News
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fox News is an addictive, mind-altering substance, used by its most dedicated viewers to escape reality to a paranoid, fantasy world… Their approach to the news is gonzo journalism’s perverted, evil twin. Instead of using the trappings of fiction to report the truth, Fox uses the trappings of truth to report fiction.
Dumb Dynasty
Sunday, December 29, 2013

I’ve hated Duck Dynasty for quite some time, as much as Phil Robertson apparently hates gay people. It symbolizes everything I despise about modern television: paying random jackasses with marginal skills/talents, and no thoughts of consequence or value from one day to the next, hundreds of millions of dollars to make fools of themselves, while puttering around doing basically nothing, for a target audience of culturally-illiterate morons…
The Plan Backfires
Monday, October 21, 2013

The conspiracy by House Republicans to force the President either to make further concessions on the Affordable Care Act, or risk the kind of global economic catastrophe that could result from the US government going into default, seems to have mostly blown up in their big, dumb faces…
The Curse of Mr. Iraqyzptlk
Friday, September 6, 2013

“An attack on Syria, no matter how well-intentioned, is bound to result in a staggering amount of collateral damage, and a tremendous number of civilian casualties, much like the fight between Kal-El and General Zod in the recent Man of Steel film; A Good Cartoon.”
The Passion of the Whistleblower
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Following last week’s conviction of Bradley Manning for leaking video evidence of unrestrained murder of civilians by the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as numerous other classified cables, I wanted to draw something commenting on the bravery of both Manning and Edward Snowden in exposing wrong-doing covered up or even sanctioned by the US Government, in spite of the consequences they surely knew they would suffer…
Short Leash
Friday, August 16, 2013

I find the trend of all the world’s major media outlets falling into the hands of a privileged few very disturbing. The Gilded Age already taught us how that usually turns out, and I’d rather if we didn’t have to have another such lesson!
Get Rid of the Seaward
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tags: anchor, Arrested Development, Barack Obama, boat, Congress, Do-nothing Congress, drowning, GOP, Lucille Bluth, Obama, ocean, President Obama, Republican, Republican obstructionism, Republican Party, swimming, Uncle Sam, water
Torch of Liberty
Saturday, June 29, 2013

I thought the “free at last” segment from Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech might be repurposed to refer to this decision as a backwards step for Civil Rights if I were to pair it with an image that was neither subtle, nor easily-misinterpreted…
Undermining Liberty
Saturday, June 15, 2013

The idea of a database containing who-knows-how-much personal information communicated by who-knows-how-many people, with no individual or public oversight of its contents, is awe-inspiring, and terrifyingly Orwellian, whether it’s being kept in the name of “fighting terrorism” or “the free market.”