Posts featuring Cartoons
Little GOP of Horrors
Saturday, August 29, 2015
In contrast to his reputation as a builder, devouring the entire slate of Republican candidates this election cycle and rendering the Republican brand as radioactive as Chernobyl would be Trump’s greatest, most lasting achievement, having a far longer-term, more meaningful, and positive impact on history and the world than any number of golf courses with ridiculously-oversized American flags or skyscrapers with his name plastered on them in giant letters.
Friday, July 24, 2015
When the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action regarding Iran’s nuclear program was announced last Tuesday, the reactions by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Republican Party were swift, predictable, and overwhelmingly negative…
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Republicans (or people for whom the Republican party isn’t right wing enough) are usually the ones shouting loudest about “States’ Rights,” and are most likely to claim Lincoln as a rhetorical symbol while outright rejecting or fighting against everything he stood for.
Grand Old Perverts or: Dennis the Menace
Thursday, June 18, 2015
The loudest – one might even say, the most flamboyant – opponents of marriage equality on the Right seemingly always turn out to be either closeted homosexuals themselves, or even guilty of the more exaggerated perversions they’re so fond of pinning on others…
Big Bad on Campus
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Penn State and SAE sure are lucky this “Rape on Campus” flap came along when it did, eh?
Separate but Equal Justice Under Law
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The entire justice system in the U.S., and not just the police, is still racially-biased against darker-skinned minorities; almost as if one of the things “Justice” measures, when determining the guilt or innocence of the accused, is how white that person is.
The Bigots’ Crusade
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Meanwhile, on the oppression side of things, a “crusade” against the Civil Rights of homosexuals in the United States continues to this very day…
The Season of Giving
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Tags: banks, bell ringer, cigar, Congress, Cromnibus, Dodd-Frank, John Boehner, lobbying, Mitch McConnell, Mr. C.E.O., Salvation Army, Santa, Wall Street
Silent Remains
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Presumption of the shooter’s innocence relied heavily on an assumption that the unarmed, black teenager ultimately shot to death was guilty not only of acting as the initial aggressor, but also escalating the conflict to a point where lethal force was necessary to resolve it…
Stomp Out the Vote
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Aware of the inverse relationship between the size and diversity of a group of people, and the likelihood individuals in that group will vote for them–even when given only one other choice–the GOP has apparently reasoned that if they want to continue winning elections without having to make their policies more-inclusive and less-terrible, their best bet is to use the powers they gained during the 2010 election to decrease turnout in the future.