
Mitt Zombie

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mitt Zombie

By the time the Romney Campaign released an ad where people seem to rise from the grave, not so much in support of Mitt, but at least against Obama, my cartoon was already pencilled and ready to be inked…

Gorilla Radio

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Gorilla Radio

This cartoon comments on the PROTECT IP Act, which found its way through Congress last month before being put on hold by Senator Ron Wyden due to serious concerns over its broadness and its potential effects on the Domain Name System, which associates URLs with servers’ IP addresses…


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Palin’s voice hurts my ears, and the things she says with it often hurt my brain, but she has cultivated an image of herself and her family as media darlings, and I think this threatens to doom anyone who’s dumb enough to listen to her…


Friday, May 27, 2011


As promised last week, here is a cartoon on Congress’s recent decision not to eliminate enormous tax breaks for Big Oil

War Ink

Friday, May 20, 2011

War Ink

There’s a lot of finger-pointing going on in Congress and around the country as to the blame for the budget mess. I feel the recent explosion in the deficit has a lot to do with cutting taxes, especially on corporations, while waging an incredibly wasteful, multi-front war for the purpose of funneling money to war profiteers defense contractors…

Fuzzy Aim

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fuzzy Aim

I’m not going to mourn the loss of an evil, mass-murdering psychopath, of course, but I do find the bloodlust reflected in many of my countrymens’ jubilant celebrations disappointing and dangerously short-sighted, though not all that surprising…

Hope Croaks

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hope Croaks

This cartoon references a classic piece of Warner Brothers animation, One Froggy Evening, which is widely considered among the greatest animated cartoons of all time…

Trump Card

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Trump Card

As I mentioned in the previous update, I was trying to come up with something on Donald Trump, who, laughably, is among the top-polling possible candidates for President as rated by Republicans

