Have a Chipper Christmas

Have a Chipper Christmas

Back when I drew “Chain of Command,” quite a few people correctly observed that the cartoon was more kind to the Democrats than it should have been. Many Democrats in the federal government, if not most, seem to be complicit with their Republican counterparts in making whatever healthcare reform passes as meaningless and irrelevant as possible, reducing it to nothing more than another cash handout for the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries while ignoring those who need access to affordable healthcare the most.

The Democrats in Congress and the White House right now were put there to make healthcare reform happen, but instead of meeting their responsibilities, they’ve chosen to gut them, so as to keep from upsetting corporate donors and idiots who want them dead no matter what they do. This is political suicide, as the above cartoon depicts.

This entry was posted on Monday, December 21st, 2009 at 4:47 am and is filed under Cartoons & Commentary. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “Have a Chipper Christmas”

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by John Gugarty, Tyler Hansen. Tyler Hansen said: Have a chipper Christmas: http://bit.ly/6EzO8A #hcr #p2 #tcot @markos @glennrehn #fb […]

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This post was mentioned on Twitter by TVGugs: http://thisishistorictimes.com/2009/12/have-a-chipper-christmas/ Nowicki nails it again. #hcr #fuckbipartisanship…

Yes, eventually, the Dems will compromise so much until they get caught up in the shredder…I see what you did there, and I am impressed.
It reminds me of a Lewis Black quote:
“Democrats are a party of no ideas and Republicans are a party of bad ideas. Republicans say ‘I HAVE A BAD IDEA!’ and the Democrats go ‘Sure, why not!'”…or something to that effect.

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