Chain of Command

Chain of Command

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 3rd, 2009 at 1:36 am and is filed under Cartoons. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

7 Responses to “Chain of Command”

That about says it. It’s funny how I freaking NEVER heard about “bipartisianship” when the Republicans were in power. I never once heard them give even the impression that they gave a crap about the Democratic minority.

Now that the Democrats are not only in power, but by a much larger % than the GOP was (and Obama won the election by nearly 10 million votes… while Bush actually lost the popular vote by 500,000!) they are bending over backwards to try and make the Republicans happy despite the fact that it’s obvious that they have no interest in anything positive happening. They are hoping for failure.

It’s amazing to me just how treasonous the Republican party really is. They are truly Anti-American.

After the way they celebrated the US losing the olympics yesterday, I’m starting to wonder what they wouldn’t celebrate? If the stock market went down 2000 points they’d be out in setting off fireworks.

And I hate to say it, because it’s so disgusting, but I honestly think that most right wingers would celebrate if we were attacked by terrorists again, just so they could blame it on Obama.

That’s how sick and twisted these people are. We have to leave them behind.

*sigh*. Sad but true.

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Terrence Nowicki, Jr, bendur and Todays Politics. Todays Politics said: "Chain of Command" – [comic] #politics […]

By » deephurting (October 3rd, 2009 at 3:58 pm)

“they are bending over backwards to try and make the Republicans happy despite the fact that it’s obvious that they have no interest in anything positive happening. They are hoping for failure.”

You might also enjoy this cartoon, if you haven’t seen it already.

Why is the elephant still so big and heavy in the ‘2009’ part of the comic when the Democrats have a super-majority? They don’t NEED the elephant to come along with them. They are just using the elephant as an excuse for inaction. They want the elephant to buy into the plan so that the elephant can take part of the blame if the plan fails. We already know the Republicans are corrupt, spineless, and inept. It looks like the Democrats are as well. For God’s sake, vote independent.

Actually, the Republicans did use the word “bipartisanship” quite a bit when Bush was in office, but they meant the same thing by it then as they do now: the Democrats doing what the Republicans want.

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