Posts tagged "lying"
How Dry I Am
Monday, October 29, 2018
A proven perjurer, violent drunk, and probable rapist now sits on the Supreme Court as its newest member.
Barack Obama by a Nose
Friday, November 9, 2012
Romney and Ryan ran on a platform of deception, distortion, and reality-denial that threatened to turn George Orwell’s body into a nuclear centrifuge, so success on their part could very well have meant taking the already persistently-vegetative truth off life-support, as far as our national political discourse was concerned!
Dirty Words
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Tags: 2012 Presidential election, Biden, bucket, bullshit, curse, cursive, debate, election, facts, grin, janitor, Joe Biden, liar, Lies, lying, mop, mopping, pail, Paul Ryan, smirk, truth, Vice-President, Vice-Presidential debate, whistling
Romney/Ryan ‘Rithmetic
Saturday, October 6, 2012
The main topic of this cartoon is the vague budget proposed by the Romney/Ryan campaign, which includes cutting taxes in a manner that disproportionately favors the wealthy, and further ballooning defense spending to even more comically-enormous levels.
Weiner of Mass Distraction
Monday, June 20, 2011
I’m sure many of those who called for Anthony Weiner’s resignation (or demanded such from President Clinton when he was embroiled in his own scandal) are the same ones who defended the lies and treason of the Bush Administration, and probably do so to this day without any awareness of the irony…
Crossed Signals
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tags: Barack Obama, campaign promises, crowd, lying, Nobel Prize, Obama, peace, promise, promises, war
Hi Diddly Die
Thursday, October 22, 2009
This cartoon comments on the White House’s recent dismissal of Fox News as not being a legitimate news agency. Fox has responded by framing it as an attack by the Executive Branch on the “Fourth Estate” of journalism, and other news outlets have apparently taken the bait…