Posts tagged "compromise"
Don’t Drive Angry
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Of course, this cartoon’s primary argument is that meeting fascism halfway still enables fascism, and ultimately leads to the same disaster going full fascist would…
The Art of the Deal
Saturday, March 3, 2018

While Republicans are at this point ridiculously open about their disrespect and even hatred for minorities, immigrants, women, senior citizens, and the poor, Democratic representatives and lawmakers often exhibit the same contempt for each of these demographics in their actions, regardless of their words.
The Wisdom of King Solomon
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tags: Barack Obama, compromise, Democrat, donkey, GOP elephant, King Solomon, Margaret Thatcher, Obama, obituaries, obituary, Roger Ebert, Social Security, Solomon, wisdom
That’s A Paddlin’
Saturday, September 3, 2011

I was planning on drawing something on Global Warming on Thursday, but when I read the news about the President caving to the GOP yet again, I thought it gave this gag some renewed relevance, so I finished inking it and then spent a ridiculous amount of time coloring it…
Say, This Looks Safe!
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tags: Barack Obama, center, compromise, elephant, garden shears, GOP, left, Obama, President Obama, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans, right, rope, safe, SOTU, State of the Union, target
Turn the Other Cheek
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This references President Obama, in the face of the 2010 Midterm Elections, once again calling for those of us who aren’t quite as far right as most fascist dictatorships to “compromise” with the lunatic fringe of the right wing…
Have a Chipper Christmas
Monday, December 21, 2009

The Democrats in Congress and the White House right now were put there to make healthcare reform happen, but instead of meeting their responsibilities, they’ve chosen to gut them, so as to keep from upsetting corporate donors and idiots who want them dead no matter what they do…
Right Across
Monday, August 17, 2009

Tags: Barack Obama, bipartisanship, compromise, fist bump, GOP, Obama, partisanship, punch, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans