Posts tagged "abortion"
Bar Association
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Speaking of laziness and evil, we have two of the concurring “justices,” Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh; one known almost as much for sleeping through oral arguments as he is for sexual harassment, and the other a drunken liar credibly accused of either indecent exposure, sexual assault or rape by no fewer than three women…
Right to Life Imprisonment
Saturday, February 1, 2014

In much the same way that the pursuit and enaction of social policies designed to counteract centuries of entrenched, systemic racism makes liberals The Real Racists, Huckabee argued that laws putting insurers on the hook for birth control, like the Affordable Care Act, are proof of their authors’ disrespect for women…
Fear and Loathing on Fox News
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fox News is an addictive, mind-altering substance, used by its most dedicated viewers to escape reality to a paranoid, fantasy world… Their approach to the news is gonzo journalism’s perverted, evil twin. Instead of using the trappings of fiction to report the truth, Fox uses the trappings of truth to report fiction.
The Ol’ Mourdock Place
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tags: abortion, candy, Cheney, costumes, Dark Lord of the Withered Heath, Dick Cheney, fairy princess, ghost, GOP, Halloween, haunted house, Klan, Ku Klux Klan, Mitt Romney, morning sickness, Mourdock, Paul Ryan, pirate, pregnancy, rape, Reagan Ghost, Republican, Richard Mourdock, Sarah Palin, shotgun, skull, trick or treat, witch, women, women's issues, women's rights, zipper
You Can’t Spell ‘Grope’ Without G-O-P!
Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Republican Party has made forcing its skewed “morality” on women’s bodies a central plank of its 2012 electoral agenda…
The Abortion Question
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The actual title of this cartoon is “How Many Conservative Supreme Court Judges Does it Take to Screw Up Roe V. Wade?” but that’s way too long for this page.