Posts tagged "sexual assault"

Bar Association

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Brett Kavanaugh roofies Lady Justice and Clarence Thomas garnishes her beverage with a pubic hair while Samuel Alito, Amy Coney-Barrett, and Neil Gorsuch watch with amusement.

Speaking of laziness and evil, we have two of the concurring “justices,” Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh; one known almost as much for sleeping through oral arguments as he is for sexual harassment, and the other a drunken liar credibly accused of either indecent exposure, sexual assault or rape by no fewer than three women…

Clinging To Power

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Donald Trump grabs Lady Liberty by the pussy while Joe Biden tries to do the same.

It’s been about two weeks since one demented, racist, seriallydishonest sexual predator defeated the other demented, racist, seriallydishonest sexual predator in the 2020 American Presidential election…

How Dry I Am

Monday, October 29, 2018

How Dry I Am

A proven perjurer, violent drunk, and probable rapist now sits on the Supreme Court as its newest member.

Big Bad on Campus

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Big Bad on Campus

Penn State and SAE sure are lucky this “Rape on Campus” flap came along when it did, eh?

