Posts tagged "sexism"

Bar Association

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Brett Kavanaugh roofies Lady Justice and Clarence Thomas garnishes her beverage with a pubic hair while Samuel Alito, Amy Coney-Barrett, and Neil Gorsuch watch with amusement.

Speaking of laziness and evil, we have two of the concurring “justices,” Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh; one known almost as much for sleeping through oral arguments as he is for sexual harassment, and the other a drunken liar credibly accused of either indecent exposure, sexual assault or rape by no fewer than three women…

Don’t Drive Angry

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Don't Drive Angry

Of course, this cartoon’s primary argument is that meeting fascism halfway still enables fascism, and ultimately leads to the same disaster going full fascist would…

