Posts tagged "Jim Crow"

Separate but Equal Justice Under Law

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Separate but Equal Justice Under Law

The entire justice system in the U.S., and not just the police, is still racially-biased against darker-skinned minorities; almost as if one of the things “Justice” measures, when determining the guilt or innocence of the accused, is how white that person is.

The Bigots’ Crusade

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Meanwhile, on the oppression side of things, a “crusade” against the Civil Rights of homosexuals in the United States continues to this very day…

The Wolf Who Cried “Religious Freedom”

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Wolf Who Cried "Religious Freedom"

Lawmakers in nearly half a dozen states came under intense, public scrutiny for the better part of last month as they each considered bills which threatened to defend discrimination against LGBT people as a matter of “religious freedom”…

