Posts tagged "elephant"
Deep Reflection
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My preference in trying to say something about Trump has been to focus on larger issues which he represents, rather than focusing on the individual man. The above cartoon comments on what the popularity of Trump’s openly hateful, racist demagoguery reveals about the modern Republican Party and its electorate…
Step Right Up!
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tags: balloon, carnival barker, carousel, circus, clown, Congress, debt ceiling, donkey, elephant, fiscal cliff, merry-go-round, Stiltwalking Uncle Sam
Grand Old Party Games
Saturday, February 9, 2013

As John McCain recently observed, the results of the last election were a savage indictment of Republican immigration policy, especially when it comes to Hispanics and Latinos, where the orthodox view seems to be “deport all of them, except for the ones that mow my lawn!”
A Leg Up
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Republicans in the Senate voted to reject the UN Treaty on the rights of the disabled, a move so cartoonishly evil and idiotic, I felt I ought to address it.
You Can’t Spell ‘Grope’ Without G-O-P!
Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Republican Party has made forcing its skewed “morality” on women’s bodies a central plank of its 2012 electoral agenda…
Somebody Call The Whambulance
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tags: bank, Chase, clown hammer, corporate deregulation, deregulation, Dr. GOP, elephant, giant mallet, GOP, GOP elephant, J.P. Morgan, Republican, Republicans
The War Room
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tags: 9/12 Fox, aerial surveillance, Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bible, Big Board, bomb, Curveball, D&D, dice, Doctor Strangelove, elephant, Fox, General Buck Turgidson, gold, GOP, GOP elephant, Hillary Clinton, Iran, Iraq, Iraq War, Joe Biden, Krusty the Clown, Leon Panetta, military intelligence, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, nuclear bomb, nuclear weapons, nuke, nuke club, nukes, Obama, President Obama, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, satellite photo, war room
Barack Obama: Capitalist Lion Tamer
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tags: Barack Obama, circus, debt, deficit, Economy, elephant, lion, lion tamer, monkey skills are best, national debt, Obama, President Obama, roar, top hat, whip
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

While my own, personal feelings on the execution of Osama Bin Laden weren’t quite as black-and-white as most, it’s inarguable that it was a major political victory for the Obama Administration, from the perspective of the American electorate. This is why I find it ridiculous that practically every candidate in the Republican Primary (with the exception of Ron Paul) apparently insists on sticking with the ol’ Conservative standby, “[Democratic candidate] is weak on defense!”
Saturday, November 5, 2011

I drew this fairly simple piece commenting on the Republican defeat of the President’s “American Jobs Act” in Congress, which was intended to bolster the anemic job market while repairing and updating the nation’s aging infrastructure. Unfortunately, Republicans would rather let millionaires hoard more of their money than redirect even a small amount of it towards job creation…