Posts tagged "Democratic Party"
Fear Leads to Hate
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

It turns out Bernie Sanders is and always has been the “pragmatic” choice to defeat Trump Drumpf. Like every other word out of Hillary Clinton’s mouth, such as her commitment to a final debate in California, claims to the contrary were lies, or at least dredged from a deep well of self-deception…
Pay No Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain
Saturday, October 23, 2010

One of the effects of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is that any organization can now donate an unlimited amount of cash to a given candidate’s campaign without revealing where the money came from…
Loose Cannon
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tags: cigar, cop, cops, Democrat, Democratic Party, Democrats, GOP, hit & run, hit and run, luxury car, Mr. C.E.O., Phantom, police, police officer, police officers, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans, roadkill, Rolls-Royce, Rolls-Royce Phantom, ticket, traffic ticket, Wall St., Wall Street
The Hate of Our Union is Strong
Friday, January 29, 2010

Tags: Children, Democrat, Democratic Party, Democrats, domestic violence, fighting, GOP, marriage, Mike Lester, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans, shouting, State of the Union
Inaction Comics
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tags: ambulance, Congress, Democrat, Democratic Party, Democratic Supermajority, Democrats, healthcare reform, Kryptonite, Massachusetts, Rod of Asclepius, super powers, superhero, Superman, Ted Kennedy
Have a Chipper Christmas
Monday, December 21, 2009

The Democrats in Congress and the White House right now were put there to make healthcare reform happen, but instead of meeting their responsibilities, they’ve chosen to gut them, so as to keep from upsetting corporate donors and idiots who want them dead no matter what they do…
Chain of Command
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tags: Barack Obama, Bush, cooperation, Democrat, Democratic Party, Democrats, George W. Bush, GOP, healthcare reform, Obama, partisanship, Republican, Republican Party, Republicans, the last eight years didn't happen, W., war
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tags: bailout, Congress, debt, deficit, Democratic Party, Democrats, Economy, GOP, Jenga, Republican Party, Republicans, stimulus, war
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tags: Auto Bailout, automakers, bailout, big three, Democratic Party, Democrats, detroit, Economy, GOP, lemon, lemonade, lemonade stand, lemons, Republican Party, Republicans
Knick-Knack Paddiwhack
Friday, August 22, 2008

Tags: Barack Obama, bones, Clinton, Democrat, Democratic Party, Democratic Primaries 2008, Democratic Primary, Democrats, DNC 2008, Hillary Clinton, Obama