Posts tagged "cash"
Garbage Bailout
Sunday, July 28, 2024
I hope people don’t read this as a celebration or defense of the economy under Joe Biden so much as how it’s intended: as an attack on poor, white trash and demented geezers who complain about that economy while sending all their welfare and Social Security checks to Donald Trump.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Tags: 2016 Election, ballot box, buying elections, cash, cheating, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, Clinton, corporations are people, Donald Drumpf, Donald Trump, Drumpf, election, Hillary Clinton, money = speech, money in politics, Trump, wealth
Little GOP of Horrors
Saturday, August 29, 2015
In contrast to his reputation as a builder, devouring the entire slate of Republican candidates this election cycle and rendering the Republican brand as radioactive as Chernobyl would be Trump’s greatest, most lasting achievement, having a far longer-term, more meaningful, and positive impact on history and the world than any number of golf courses with ridiculously-oversized American flags or skyscrapers with his name plastered on them in giant letters.
Blood Money
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I’ve made several jokes about Romney being a sociopath in the past, and I was already starting to think they weren’t jokes any more after I read this report describing cruel and uncaring treatment of gays and lesbians by the former Governor of Massachusetts…
Neo Cons
Saturday, July 16, 2011
This cartoon compares this blatant economic trickery to the “shell game” or cup-and-ball routine, both of which being sleight-of-hand used for centuries to con desperate or unsuspecting dupes out of money by presenting them with what appears to be a simple gambling game which is in fact impossible to win…