Search results for "archive"

The Curse of Mr. Iraqyzptlk

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Curse of Mr. Iraqyzptlk

“An attack on Syria, no matter how well-intentioned, is bound to result in a staggering amount of collateral damage, and a tremendous number of civilian casualties, much like the fight between Kal-El and General Zod in the recent Man of Steel film; A Good Cartoon.”

Short Leash

Friday, August 16, 2013

Short Leash

I find the trend of all the world’s major media outlets falling into the hands of a privileged few very disturbing. The Gilded Age already taught us how that usually turns out, and I’d rather if we didn’t have to have another such lesson!

Undermining Liberty

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Undermining Liberty

The idea of a database containing who-knows-how-much personal information communicated by who-knows-how-many people, with no individual or public oversight of its contents, is awe-inspiring, and terrifyingly Orwellian, whether it’s being kept in the name of “fighting terrorism” or “the free market.”

Under PRESSure

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Under PRESSure

The Department of Justice seized the phone records of the Associated Press, allegedly in pursuit of “leaks” of classified information…

Spot the Difference

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Spot the Difference

Despite the recent rash of mass-shootings, and overwhelming public support for gun control, Congress instead decided it was more important to once again prove their loyalty to the NRA, defeating every potential protection for gun victims while still passing protections for gun owners!


Friday, December 21, 2012


To LaPierre and the N.R.A., literal violence is less of a problem than fictional descriptions of violence; and devices whose only purpose is to kill, maim, and destroy are less of a problem than depictions of their use, especially made-up ones, with those that critically analyze their consequences, I assume, being the worst.

Romney/Ryan ‘Rithmetic

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Romney/Ryan 'Rithmetic

The main topic of this cartoon is the vague budget proposed by the Romney/Ryan campaign, which includes cutting taxes in a manner that disproportionately favors the wealthy, and further ballooning defense spending to even more comically-enormous levels.

Red Menace

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Red Menace

Despite the majority of Americans being sick of war after a decade of the Bush Administration’s miserable failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and despite the hundreds of thousands of pointless casualties those two conflicts have incurred, Mitt Romney seems eager to sacrifice even more American troops and foreign civilians to the Blood God.

Checkpoint Clackamas + Website Renovations

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Checkpoint Clackamas

I was very busy this week finally getting a redesign for This is Historic Times online, so I didn’t have time to draw a new cartoon for the site. In the meantime, the above is an illustration I drew for the Portland Mercury a couple of weeks ago. The graphics editor at the paper was responsible for the overall creative concept, although most of the details were left up to me.

Here’s a link to the Mercury’s article on the topic

