Posts featuring Commentary

The Holey Land

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Holey Land

The Israeli government’s operating principle, in this matter, appears to be a presumption of guilt by association…


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

It came as little surprise to me when the majority of the current Supreme Court once again demonstrated their commitment to PROFITS OVER PEOPLE by ruling that “closely-held,” for-profit corporations and private companies cannot be required by Federal laws to pay for their female employees’ birth control and contraceptives, if the owners of the corporations or companies in question can cite objections based on “deeply-held religious beliefs.”

Tarred & Feathered

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tarred & Feathered

Some racist morons whose racism has been so obvious and indelible, that any denials of it are ludicrously absurd…

World Wrestling

Thursday, March 27, 2014

International superpowers, like the US and Russia, express the “superiority” of their respective cultures, economies, or systems of government, by using smaller, less-powerful countries, like Iraq and Ukraine, as the venues for gaudy, muscle-flexing sideshows…

The Wolf Who Cried “Religious Freedom”

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Wolf Who Cried "Religious Freedom"

Lawmakers in nearly half a dozen states came under intense, public scrutiny for the better part of last month as they each considered bills which threatened to defend discrimination against LGBT people as a matter of “religious freedom”…

Right to Life Imprisonment

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Right to Life Imprisonment

In much the same way that the pursuit and enaction of social policies designed to counteract centuries of entrenched, systemic racism makes liberals The Real Racists, Huckabee argued that laws putting insurers on the hook for birth control, like the Affordable Care Act, are proof of their authors’ disrespect for women…

Privacy Stalls

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Privacy Stalls

The very people crying wolf over Edward Snowden’s actions appear to be wolves themselves

Fear and Loathing on Fox News

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fear and Loathing on Fox News

Fox News is an addictive, mind-altering substance, used by its most dedicated viewers to escape reality to a paranoid, fantasy world… Their approach to the news is gonzo journalism’s perverted, evil twin. Instead of using the trappings of fiction to report the truth, Fox uses the trappings of truth to report fiction.

Dumb Dynasty

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Dumb Dynasty

I’ve hated Duck Dynasty for quite some time, as much as Phil Robertson apparently hates gay people. It symbolizes everything I despise about modern television: paying random jackasses with marginal skills/talents, and no thoughts of consequence or value from one day to the next, hundreds of millions of dollars to make fools of themselves, while puttering around doing basically nothing, for a target audience of culturally-illiterate morons…

The Plan Backfires

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Plan Backfires

The conspiracy by House Republicans to force the President either to make further concessions on the Affordable Care Act, or risk the kind of global economic catastrophe that could result from the US government going into default, seems to have mostly blown up in their big, dumb faces…

